The Gospel in 3D


When I was a kid, I loved getting those cheap glasses with plastic red lenses. It meant I would see a typical movie in a very different way. It meant I could almost feel the film come at me. That’s what we hope the church is for the Gospel; we pray that it is a lot like putting on those glasses. We hope as people peer into the church, they would see the Gospel in 3D.

We practically try to achieve that in Orlando through our church Grace Alive. We have a mission statement that states we are: A movement for all people to discover, deepen, and display their relationship with Jesus. I know you may be saying “That sounds good. But how does it actually work?” Glad you asked….

Discover – We want all people to discover their idols and reposition their passion on their identity in Jesus. This leads to salvation in Christ alone and a life stewarded through Christ alone. As a result, we pray that Grace Alive members would steward their lives to Christ, leveraging their talent, treasure, and time to Him.

Deepen – We want people to deepen their relationship with Jesus. This comes through faith in Jesus Christ and commitment to the community as family. We desire all members of Grace Alive to be committed to community, transparent relationships in the church, and maintain growing affection for Jesus Christ by refocusing, rehearing, and rediscovering the Gospel at work in their lives.

Display– We want people to display the grace they have received to their neighbors and to the nations. That happens through serving Jesus’ church and sharing Jesus’ work. Practically speaking, this would include planting churches here in America and being heavily invested in international missions. In our first year, no matter where we stand financially, we hope to strongly support other Summit Network Church plants, challenge our teams to serve strategically on short-term missions, and intentionally support international missionaries.

Our vision, mission, and strategy are the same thing. Discover, Deepen, Display. It is how we view evangelism. It is how we view discipleship. It is how we view mission. It’s how we “do” church. Ultimately, it is how we see the Gospel in 3D.


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