A Word About My Sabbatical

Grace Alive,

We are not like a family. We are a family. And like every family, we have seasons where we are very active and doing a lot of great things. But there are also rhythms of rest and realignment. As Lead Pastor of this family, I want to model and embody that along with my immediate family. As a result, for the month of August, my family and I will be on sabbatical.

What is sabbatical? Well, it’s a prolonged period of restoration. It’s a time for our full-time pastors to pull way from vocational ministry so we can intentionally press into family and rest. In short, a sabbatical should be a proactive time to pursue family and Christ himself. It should not merely be a reactive time to moral failures, burnout, or spiritual dry spells.

I honestly think my family and I are looking forward to this Sabbatical but I want you to know this is not an emergency but rather intentionality. We want full time pastors to have the privilege of sabbatical every three years and seven years so our shepherds can serve us abiding in the vine and not merely relying on competence or momentum. For most pastors, every day is a grind. A typical to do list could include: Marriage counseling. Weddings. Funerals. Sermons. Evangelism. Building leaders. Raising funds. Speaking at events. Crisis counseling. Staff meetings. Elder meetings. Emails. And the list goes on and on.

During sabbatical, I will unplug from the work of ministry and plug into the yoke of Christ. I will be unavailable by email and social media. This time will be used to invest in my family, rejuvenate my soul, rest my body, and reorient my priorities. The good news, Grace Alive will remain in good hands as we are served by faithful elders, amazing staff, and trusting in God’s Sovereignty.

We will also be served by some of the greatest preachers in Central Florida. Our sermon series “Soul Food: Breaking Bread with Friends” will be a season you cannot miss. I pray in my absence, Grace Alive will experience high attendance in worship, elevated commitment in groups, and unprecedented generosity to the mission!

Please pray for me, Tymara, Charis, and Cam during this season. We hope to return ready to give our best to Grace Alive. I love our church and know the best days are ahead of us.

For God’s Glory,

Pastor Cam

PS. Check out this video from the Gospel Coalition for more teaching on Sabbaticals, "The Need Importance of a Regular Sabbatical." If you desire more insight on the responsibility and burden of pastoral life I also recommend checking out Paul David Tripp's devotional, "Our Pastors Need Help".


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